Does acupuncture hurt? Most new patients are amazed at how painless acupuncture can be. With careful consideration to the needs of the patient, discomfort can easily be avoided and/or reduced. When the correct stimulus of the needle has been obtained you may feel some heaviness or tingling either around the needle or traveling up or down the affected energy pathway or meridian. This is a normal response to Qi sensation. It can be a new sensation, which can feel very therapeutic and allows for a greater awareness of what is happening in the body.
How many treatments will I need? The answer to this depends on your how long you have been afflicted, how quickly your body responds and your lifestyle. Multiple treatments may be necessary to allow for the body to adjust to being pain-free and sustain itself for your well-being. With that said, at Wichita Holistic we always work as quickly as your body allows, aiming to heal both the root of the imbalance as well as the symptoms.
What can I expect during a treatment? During your first consultation, we will discuss your medical history in detail. Your acupuncturist will ask questions relating to many different aspects of your life, not only the condition for which you are seeking treatment. Then take your pulses, examine your tongue, and sometimes palpate your abdomen or check for tender areas along the meridians. The initial visit usually lasts one to one & a half hours, including an acupuncture treatment. Subsequent visits usually last about 45minutes to one hour.
Does my health insurance cover acupuncture? An increasing number of insurance companies and managed-care organizations are covering complementary and alternative medicine. Kali Day, LAc is a in-network provider for a number of health insurance providers, and can also bill out-of-network services.
How can I prepare for my session? It is best to eat a light meal before your appointment so that your body has energy to work with. If you would like to fill out your forms in advance you may print them from the website and bring them with you for your first appointment. Please bring a list of all medications and supplements that you are taking, and please always inform your practitioner of any changes. If your treatments are to focus on fertility enhancement and you have been tracking your cycles, please bring the past few months of charting and any relevant test results as well.
Are there any side effects to acupuncture? Needles generally cause no bleeding or pain, and the needles used are disposable. Acupuncturists are trained in exact location, angle as well as depth of insertion of the acupuncture needle to avoid injury or discomfort.
How does acupuncture compare with conventional Western medicine in the treatment of pain? Acupuncture has been shown to be very effective in treating chronic pain, helping in 55% to 85% of the cases. This compares favorably with the effects of morphine which helps in 70% of the cases. However, acupuncture has the distinct advantage of having very few side effects in comparison with drugs.
Can I receive acupuncture if I am pregnant? Yes! There are some points that are contraindicated during pregnancy, so it is important to inform us if you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant.