It’s well-known that acupuncture is an effective treatment for adults. What most people don’t know is that kids can benefit from acupuncture as well, but their treatment looks a bit different.
When kids and babies get acupuncture treatments, sometimes no needles are inserted into their body. This is called Shonishin. Shonishin literally translates as sho "little", ni "children", and shin "needle".
Tracing its roots back to 17th century Osaka in Japan (and ultimately to ancient China), this specialized acupuncture technique was developed specifically for infants and children up to the age of nine-- for everything from behavioral and emotional to many physical conditions. It has been used with some success in treating infants and children afflicted with a wide variety of conditions, including colic, indigestion, GERD, constipation, and diarrhea. It has even shown some success in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), allergies, asthma, eczema, hives, bedwetting, and stuttering. Children as young as one month old have been effectively treated.
It is a very different style of acupuncture than is typically used on adults.
When acupuncture needles are used, it is explicitly with the permission of the child. In fact, we typically use the chinese term “shin” since these tools are nowhere near the size or experience most children carry of needles.
A typical shonishin treatment consists of pressing, rubbing, tapping, and brushing the skin to provide a gentle stimulation that will reduce problematic symptoms, as well as strengthen the child’s overall constitution so it has a greater capacity to heal itself.
Pediatric acupuncture treatments are very gentle, non-invasive, and painless. Most children find the treatments quite pleasurable, comfortable, and enjoy coming in..
Usually treatments only last about 5-10 minutes, but your appointment might be longer to give your child time to settle into our treatment space, and allow us time to get to know you and give you added advice.
If your child is suffering from an acute condition, we might recommend that you come in more frequently until the condition passes. For more chronic conditions and for preventative purposes it is usually recommended that you come in once a week over a longer period of time.
Parents or caregivers are encouraged to be present with the child to provide comfort and support during the treatment, as an integral part of the child’s healing process. Infants and children can be held in arms while the treatment is given, if this helps them feel more comfortable.
After we interview you about your child’s symptoms and overall health, we may palpate the child’s abdomen, look at the tongue, or in older children they might take the pulse to get a clearer idea about what treatment will most benefit your child. Paramount is that we develop a kind and gentle rapport with your child. We will usually also show you simple techniques to continue relieving the child’s symptoms at home, as well as providing dietary and lifestyle advice. In fact, regular Shonishin treatments can help strengthen the parent-child relationship and can improve the spiritual and emotional development of the child. Regular daily preventative massage done by the parents may increase circulation of qi and blood, and may strengthen the child's immune system.
Once we have an understanding of the child’s constitution, we will then use tools to tap, stroke, and hold certain channels and acupoints to rebalance the child’s system.
Commonly Treated Conditions:
seasonal allergies
chronic colds
ear infections
leaky gut
food sensitivities
attention disorders
sleep disorders
bed wetting
autism spectrum
social/ emotional imbalances
failure to thrive
Please note that Shonishin treatments are considered for newborns, infants, and children 12 years old and younger.